Prepare for electrifying battles in Pokémon UNITE! This innovative 5v5 strategic team-fighting game brings the beloved Pokémon franchise into a fast-paced, competitive arena. Trainers from around the globe clash on Aeos Island, unleashing their Pokémon's unique abilities in thrilling, coordinated attacks. Whether you're a seasoned Pokémon veteran or a newcomer to the world of competitive gaming, Pokémon UNITE offers a compelling experience focusing on teamwork and strategy to emerge victorious.
- Experience dynamic team battles, where teamwork is paramount.
- Unleash powerful Unite Moves—exclusive Pokémon abilities only available in Unite Battles, transforming the tide of battle!
- Customize your Pokémon with stylish Holowear, showcasing your unique team aesthetic.
- Compete in ranked matches to climb the global leaderboard and prove your Pokémon mastery.
- Communicate effectively with your team using signals, quick chat, and even voice chat (a first for a Pokémon title!).
- Enjoy seamless cross-platform play between Nintendo Switch and compatible mobile devices, keeping your progress synchronized.